Daniel S. Billing

Adding Giscus and Getting Back on Track

1 minute read · 420 views · 4 likes

Note: This article was published over a year ago. Information within may have changed since then. While efforts are made to keep content current, please verify critical details before making decisions based on this information.

I recently integrated giscus into my website and blog. For those unfamiliar, giscus is a comment system fueled by GitHub discussions. It's a neat tool that turns the comments section into a more engaging platform, allowing all of you to share your insights directly on the blog posts.

Setting up giscus on my site was relatively straightforward – a bit of code here, some adjustments there, and voila. But behind this simplicity is a powerful mechanism that brings a whole new level of interactivity to the conversations. More importantly, it fosters an environment that aligns well with our commitment to open-source practices.

However, I won't sugarcoat it – it's been a challenging few weeks. Between various client projects for my own company and my primary work duties, I found myself struggling to keep up with my intended schedule. The balance between professional obligations and personal endeavors seemed to be tilting more towards the former, leaving me with less time for the latter. And of course there has been sprinkle of private matters too.

Realizing that this wasn't a sustainable pace, I made the conscious decision to take a week off. The aim was simple – to rest, recharge, and recalibrate my focus. And, quite frankly, it's made a good difference.

Now, after this necessary breather, I'm ready to tackle those previously paused projects with a renewed spirit. I've started getting back into the swing of things this past week, and it feels like a positive turn of events is on the horizon.

I'm grateful for your understanding during this somewhat turbulent period. It's served as a reminder that maintaining a balanced work-life equation is as important as any task on my to-do list, if not more so.

Moving forward, I invite you to experience the new giscus-powered comments section. I look forward to reading your thoughts and engaging in interesting discussions.

Here's to productive times ahead!